Thursday, April 16, 2009

When you Have to Bitch about Someone you Like

Not you, by the way.
THIS time, anyway!!! Watch out! You could be next!!
Today I am annoyed with my jewelry teacher whom I really like. Not only is he a really good teacher and jeweler who just seems to know EVerything about jewelry making, metals, etc. etc., he is also very odd and somehow attractive to me in a "it's cool to know someone really out there and different" kind of way.
Anyway, lately he's losing his shit. Relationship trouble (he's 40, she's 20) and generally fried from lots of work and living in a city where just riding the bus really takes it out of you.
So, I am at "crunch time" (kind of hate that expression) for my work. I need to get it DONE, already, and he keeps canceling classes, not coming in to his scheduled open studio time and is now going on vacation.
I mean, I agree, he REALLY needs it. Yesterday he came to school looking as if he hadn't slept in his entire life (there are people out there with that problem, you know....or there were. I think they all died young. no surprise there.). I am just grumpy because things are not working out for ME! Wah wah wah....
Carlos, if someohow you ever read this and could understand it, I still love you and think you're great.

I am a really lame bitch, me thinks. Why can't I just bitch and not apologize dammit!

Bitch number two: Yesterday on the Yahoo homepage there was some news things about doctors finding a tiny pine tree growing in a man's lung. This is just so wrong on so many levels.

First of all, this is not news. This will not happen to anyone else ever and therefore is not pertinent, in my book. It's not an entire country or even a village of people with tree lung. It's is one freakish and extremely unfortunate man.

Secondly, this literally makes me want to throw up. Even now, a day later, I feel like barfing up my dinner and feel an ever so slight constriction in my breathing.

Thirdly, it makes me remeber other gross freakish things like (you know what I'm going to say, right?) when scientists grew a human ear on the back of a mouse. It was grey and furry and the mouse (who was clueless, I hope) seemed so viloated and bizarre.

A pine tree in a lung?
Maybe that's what the man who puked on the bus today was thinking of.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bitches gone bad

I know, I feel the same way! Isn't it nice to know someone isn't going to judge you for being a regular person? I mean no one can be nice and sweet all the time. That's why I want to just gag some times when I read my "other" blog. I mean, it's not that I don't mean what I say, but there are days when it would be dangerous for me to write a new post. All my thousands of readers would wonder what happened to me. Had I been kidnapped and my blog turned over to a pshycotic bitch??? They would worry.
Thanks Mai, miss and love you too!
Now, off to make lentil loaf! I guess then it will be Marcelo's turn to write a post here.. hee hee!!!!!

Sending some love to E...

Nothing to bitch about today (yet!)...but does it destroy the integrity of this blog if dedicate this post to our friendship? Your last post made me laugh out loud (here's a bitch: it's not lol, people...ugh...drives me crazy!) and I miss you!! There are not too many like-minded souls out there...and I miss hanging out with you and just knowing that you "get it". Okay..don't want to get too sappy... :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


OK, first off, a question; how is this any different from email?
Secondly, why do you feel like a teenager with your boss? you should feel like her mother from the sounds of it...OK, i get what you mean though feeling like a mortified teenager while your mom/boss pigs out.
Um, how would i deal with that...hmmmm...ummm....ahhhh
gee, i don't she overweight? maybe she has a bad relationship with food. Or maybe she grew up poor with not enough food. Or maybe it's not about the food, but that's it's free...
Are the other people kind of surprised too?
I was thinking of a joke, like addressing the other people with "I guess Mary didn't get a chance to have a breakfast today!" or "I guess Mary agrees with me, this stuff is delicious! I'm sorry I can't express it as well as she can".
Maybe do one of those talking out loud to yourself things, so she can hear, and say "OK, Mai, this time you're going to take is slow...remember last time when you gorged yourself and felt like a stuffed pig? Not this time!!! Mary, help me with this! Be a good example for me!!"
Or you could get all serious and say in a low tone "Mary, I don't want to freak you out, but my cousin once had to get ten stitches in her mouth when she put a knife into it when eating. I use to put knives into my mouth, too, before that happened".
Huh, none of them very viable options, i know.
I think it's just one of those things in life, a (hot) cross (bun) you have to bear. I guess it would make me want to NOT eat, but you are there to test it out.
BTW, hope her name isn't really Mary and I apologize to all Mary's out there who might be offended I used their name to describe someone with this issue. Not that it's a bad thing...
Why am I apologizing? I'm supposed to be bitching!
Must get back to work....caving a tiny bunny. Isn't that sweet?
I really am a gemini....

Monday's BOD

OK, here's one for Monday...

Don't you hate when you are forced to live with people you don't particularly like, but who are ok? You never really feel totally comfortable.
Especially when their bathroom has no lock on the door and is located in the middle of the main "hub" of the home. And isn't it weird when said people leave the door open a bit (the custom to signify its unoccupied status) but are actually in there? and weirder still when you knock anyway, because it's not totally for sure there is no one in there, and no one answers but they ARE actually in there, you quickly discover.
OK, so the culprit (not marcelo, obviously, because it wouldn't have mattered) was just out of the shower and just buttoning up his pants-or actually it looked like tying a drawstring (hate drawstring pants, on anyone other than children) and was not sitting on the toilet-or bidet, god forbid. but still! what the f**k?
more on the bathroom later...i'm sure you're thrilled
remember, you don't HAVE to read this
just pretend, ok?
btw-you look great today!
enjoy the rest of your fabulous Monday!!

Welcome, Bitch!

I mean that in the nicest way. And I can say that, because I put a mature subject matter notice up...
today's bitch?
hmmm....maybe the fact that i think i have dengue fever? and if i don't, then why do i feel so crappy?
i miss yoga. guess i should do some.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Hahaha! I love this...i was hoping you would go ahead and start this blog! I think it will balance out your other one nicely! My first bitch...I tried forever to post something and then I lost it...and I'm trying to figure out if it's the site or if it's me...I'm thinking it's me...sooooo...I can't really bitch about myself! Other than that I don't have anything to bitch about today...maybe because it's Easter and I'm trying to be respectful! ;-)
Stay may have created a monster!! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dear M,
I made you your very own blog. This blog is for me to bitch to you about all the things that drive me crazy here in Argentina, and probably elsewhere as well. You don't have to really read it if you don't want to, although I will always try and remember to say something nice to you.
Today, I have nothing to bitch about.
Well, the day is not over, so maybe later.
I might put gross pictures on here like dog poop all over the sidewalk, but I will "x" out the offensive object. And buses. I hate them. Oops...I'm bitching
Oh well, that's the whole point.
Actually, I just had an idea. You can bitch here too! I'll send you the secret bitch password. Bitching in the comment section just wouldn't be satisfying.
Try to make it funny, wouldja?
I hope you're having a wonderful Easter weekend. I know you don't celebrate easter, so you can bitch about that if you want.....just in case you need any ideas....