Thursday, April 16, 2009

When you Have to Bitch about Someone you Like

Not you, by the way.
THIS time, anyway!!! Watch out! You could be next!!
Today I am annoyed with my jewelry teacher whom I really like. Not only is he a really good teacher and jeweler who just seems to know EVerything about jewelry making, metals, etc. etc., he is also very odd and somehow attractive to me in a "it's cool to know someone really out there and different" kind of way.
Anyway, lately he's losing his shit. Relationship trouble (he's 40, she's 20) and generally fried from lots of work and living in a city where just riding the bus really takes it out of you.
So, I am at "crunch time" (kind of hate that expression) for my work. I need to get it DONE, already, and he keeps canceling classes, not coming in to his scheduled open studio time and is now going on vacation.
I mean, I agree, he REALLY needs it. Yesterday he came to school looking as if he hadn't slept in his entire life (there are people out there with that problem, you know....or there were. I think they all died young. no surprise there.). I am just grumpy because things are not working out for ME! Wah wah wah....
Carlos, if someohow you ever read this and could understand it, I still love you and think you're great.

I am a really lame bitch, me thinks. Why can't I just bitch and not apologize dammit!

Bitch number two: Yesterday on the Yahoo homepage there was some news things about doctors finding a tiny pine tree growing in a man's lung. This is just so wrong on so many levels.

First of all, this is not news. This will not happen to anyone else ever and therefore is not pertinent, in my book. It's not an entire country or even a village of people with tree lung. It's is one freakish and extremely unfortunate man.

Secondly, this literally makes me want to throw up. Even now, a day later, I feel like barfing up my dinner and feel an ever so slight constriction in my breathing.

Thirdly, it makes me remeber other gross freakish things like (you know what I'm going to say, right?) when scientists grew a human ear on the back of a mouse. It was grey and furry and the mouse (who was clueless, I hope) seemed so viloated and bizarre.

A pine tree in a lung?
Maybe that's what the man who puked on the bus today was thinking of.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I just read the other blog and now read this one..I feel really sorry for those people who only get to see that side of you! Of course I love that blog and it's definitely very you in it's artistry, creativity, and the way you find beauty in the world...but so is this...and I feel kind of special being able to see the complete E! Having said I will probably be puking up my dinner...thanks!


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