Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dear M,
I made you your very own blog. This blog is for me to bitch to you about all the things that drive me crazy here in Argentina, and probably elsewhere as well. You don't have to really read it if you don't want to, although I will always try and remember to say something nice to you.
Today, I have nothing to bitch about.
Well, the day is not over, so maybe later.
I might put gross pictures on here like dog poop all over the sidewalk, but I will "x" out the offensive object. And buses. I hate them. Oops...I'm bitching
Oh well, that's the whole point.
Actually, I just had an idea. You can bitch here too! I'll send you the secret bitch password. Bitching in the comment section just wouldn't be satisfying.
Try to make it funny, wouldja?
I hope you're having a wonderful Easter weekend. I know you don't celebrate easter, so you can bitch about that if you want.....just in case you need any ideas....

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